Getting up steam

Joined: Mar 02, 2010
Posts: 37
Location: Western North Carolina
Sat Mar 06, 2010 8:32 pm |
I hope this doesn't post a couple times. Didn't seem to take. Hope y'all get this site fixed.
--- This is an expanded version of what I posted as a reply in my first "Hey Y'all" message. It's really how I got my "first" 900.
I just joined. I'll tell ya about how I wound up with a CB 900 Custom.
I graduated from high school, near the beach, in 1973. The CB/CL/SL 350/450s were common bikes. First thing ya did was hacksaw off the mufflers and clamp on some Western Auto megaphones.
By the time I was 22 or so I still had the dirt bikes, but had bought my first Harley. Soon had a bad ass XLCH.
Looked at the 900 when it first came out. Interesting motorcycle, but I went and bought a new Superglide. Just couldn't buy a new Honda. Only Harley I have now is my 1982 Shovelhead Five Speed FLT, I bought new. Have more than 160,000 miles on it. Some of the coolest riding was a year in Korea.
I work for motorcycle magazines, doing everything, ad sales, layout and design, distro, photos, stories, shake hands, whatever. My main thang is motorcycle racin, specifically Harley drag racin.
For a pit bike I have a 1976 Honda Mini Trail 50. Shriner Parade Bike. Great condition, just dings in the fenders from hittin each other in parades. Original Shriner dings are OK. No kids have had it in the woods beatin it up. Just drunk old guys, same as now.
For several years, I've called on every CB 900 I've seen in the Iwanna. Looked at a few. Last year I found a real nice lookin two tone red 1982 with only 16,000 miles on it. Runs pretty good and I ain't even messed with the carbs yet. Sounds great accelerating. Fast and fun bike. I'll seldom ride it near its abilities for leavin the bar on a poker run. But them young boys like to haul ass and I .....
Biggest problems so far are the inside of the gas tank and the front forks won't hold pressure.
I pump up the front and no rust is gettin to the filter so I ride it. Will check on tank sealers soon. Have used them in the past, but don't like them. I'd rather have a conventional spring front end. Am trying to buy a dead parts bike I know about. Looked at it Tuesday, but can't find the real owner to talk to him.
While lookin for a 900 I bought a 1975 CB 550 F with less than 20,000 miles on it. Rough looking bike, but runs great. Sounds good going up through the gears. Would be a cool old hippie style bike with wild paint, tall sissy bar and other accessories. Make a great cafe racer. Guys are makin cool little hardtail customs out of them too. Bout to put it on Craigs List and sell that one.
Gettin rid of projects. Selling a 1975 Suzuki GT 550 too. It's a three cylinder two stroke with less than 5,000 miles. Thinning the Samurai herd down to three.
Anywho, I'll have some questions as I work on my 900. I'll post them in the tech section. Will post ride stories here. And let y'all know how quick I run it down the drag strips.
1982 CB 900 Custom, 20,000 miles |
_________________ 1982 CB 900 Custom, 1982 Harley Shovelhead FLT, 1976 Honda CL 360, 1975 Suzuki GT 550, more little old Hondas and Minibikes |